Many people have asked me what type of sewing machine I use. In order to obtain the sturdy construction that I require on our bags, I use heavy-duty industrial machinery — the kind that will sew through your finger if you let it — and heavy-weight nylon thread.
My main sewing machine is an Industrial Juki DU-141 Walking Foot. The walking foot moves the top layer of fabric while the feed dogs at the bottom push the bottom fabric. This prevents wrinking, bunching, stretching and all sorts of nasty seam stuff. (Is this TMI — too much information?)
I also have a second Juki DU-141 that is set up with a binder attachment. It’s probably overkill, but we bind all the seams in our purses. This makes a nice finished interior with no zipper ends sticking out to snag anything and no possibility of fraying. I like it that way!
Probably one of my major accomplishments in life is that I taught my husband how to use the machine with the binder attachment and now he does all the binding. It only took me two years! Really, though, the machines are not that easy to learn. They have a power foot pedal that will run away with you unless you are gentle with it! My husband is better with tractors and engines. The words “machine” and “gentle” are not used in the same sentence in his language.